With reverent hearts and spirits stilled
1 With reverent hearts and spirits stilled,
Each thought a captive of the Lord,
We lift these hands which Thou hast filled,
We come to bring Thee love’s reward
2 O need’st Thou say “Remember Me”
When all we have is of Thy grace,
When life itself we take from Thee,
And have no light but in Thy face?
3 In this sweet hour, at least, each heart
Throbs with the thought of Thy great love;
Worships Thee, Lord, for all Thou art;
Breathes but Thy name, all names above.
4 Communion deep is in this bread;
Thy broken body we discern:
We see Thee offered in our stead,
And fellowship with God we learn.
5 The precious savour of His Christ
Is His delight for ever more,
And our dire need is all sufficed
By Thee Whom now our hearts adore.
6 In worship may we be outpoured,
A freewill offering to Thee,
That Thou may`st taste our love, blest Lord,
And of Thy soul’s dread travail see