Come, Thou everlasting Spirit
1 Come, Thou everlasting Spirit,
Bring to every thankful mind
All the Saviour’s dying merit,
All His sufferings for mankind:
True recorder of His passion,
Now the living faith impart,
Now reveal His great salvation,
Unto every faithful heart.
2 Come, Thou witness of His dying;
Come, Remembrancer Divine,
Let us feel Thy power, applying
Christ to every soul, and mine.
Let us groan thine inward groaning;
Look on him we pierced, and grieve;
All partake the grace atoning,
All the sprinkled blood receive.
3 Yes, in me, in me He dwelleth;
I in Him, and He in me!
And my empty soul He filleth,
Here and through eternity,
Thus I wait for His returning,
Singing all the way to heaven
Such the joyous song of morning,
Such the banquet song of even.
C. Wesley