Holy Father, Thou hast spoken
1 Holy Father, Thou hast spoken
Words beyond our grasp of thought,
Words of grace and power unbroken,
With mysterious glory fraught.
2 Promise and command combining,
Doubt to chase and faith to lift,-
Self renouncing, all resigning,
We would claim this mighty gift.
3 Take us, Lord, oh, take us truly,
Mind and soul, and heart and will!
Empty us and cleanse us thoroughly,
Then with all Thy fullness fill.
4 Lord, we ask it, hardly knowing
What this wondrous gift may be;
Yet fulfill to overflowing,
Thy great meaning let us see.
5 Make us in Thy royal palace
Vessels worthy for the King;
From Thy fullness fill our chalice
From Thy never-failing spring.
6 Father, by this blessed filling,
Dwell Thyself in us, we pray!
We are waiting, Thou art willing!
Fill us with Thyself today!
F.R. Havergal