I was laden down with sin


7.7.11.D 1 I was laden down with sin, Full of wickedness within, In the darkness of despair, regret and loss; When I heard a gentle voice And it made my heart rejoice: “Come find rest, thy heavy laden, at the cross.” At the cross, at the cross, There my sins were all forgiven at the cross There my burdens rolled away There my night was turned to day There I met my blessed Saviour at the cross 2 Now each day I go to Him To receive new life within And be filled with grace and power at the cross; So that when temptations come, All my victories may be won On my knees in humble prayer at the cross 3 When the way seems long and drear, Sore depressed and full of fear, I just stand and gaze in wonder at the cross; When I see His pain and woe, All for love of me I know, Joy and strength become my portion at the cross. 4 Weary burdened soul today Come to Jesus’ side to stay In His blood He’ll wash your sin stains all away, You will find your life abound When in brokenness you’re found Owning oneness with your Saviour at the cross