Saviour, I by faith am touching

258 1 Saviour, I by faith am touching Thee, the source of every good; Virtue now, by faith am claiming, Thro’ the cleansing of Thy blood. Touching Thee, new life is glowing, By Thy Spirit’s burning flame; Cleansing, purging, spirit filling, Glory to Thy Holy Name! 2 Touching Thee in faith, I promise, By Thine own unfailing aid, Prompt obedience, instant service, When and where it should be paid. 3 Touching now Thine outstretched scepter, O most mighty King of kings; Of Thy fullness now receiving, High I mount on eagle wings. 4 Grace and virtue, strength and wisdom, All my need, by Thee supplied, Keep me touching, keep me claiming, Keep me ever at Thy side B.Fennel