Down from the splendour of His everlasting throne
1 Down from the splendour of His everlasting throne
Came the Lord of glory, for our guilt to atone;
Son of God eternal, He the sinner’s surety stood,
Paid the sinner’s ransom in His precious blood.
Glory, glory, glory unto Jesus!
Anyone, everyone He can fully save.
Glory, glory, glory unto Jesus!
Hellelujah! All who trust Him He will save.
2 Over death triumphant He is risen from the grave;
Back to heaven ascended, Jesus now lives to save.
Nothing else remaineth but salvation to receive,
When with true repentance you on Him believe.
3 Come today to Jesus, do not longer stay away;
Come and take salvation, come to Christ, while you may;
Heavenly voices call you, and the Saviour waits to bless;
Come to Him believing, and His Name confess.