Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah


393 1 Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold us with Thy powerful hand: Bread of heaven, (2) Feed me now and evermore. (2) 2 Open wide the living fountain, Whence the healing waters flow; Be Thyself our cloudy pillar All the dreary desert through: Strong Deliv'rer, (2) Be Thou still our strength and shield. (2) 3 While we tread this vale of sorrow, May we in Thy love abide; Keep us, O our gracious Saviour! Cleaving closely to Thy side: Still relying (2) On our Father’s changeless love.(2) 4 Saviour, come! We long to see Thee, Long to dwell with Thee above; And to know, in full communion, All the sweetness of Thy love: Come, Lord Jesus! (2) Take Thy waiting people home.(2) W.William P.