We love the blessed Bible


416 1 We love the blessed Bible, The glorious word of God: The lamp for those who travel O’er all life’s dreary road; The watchword in life’s battle, The chart on life’s dark sea; The everlasting Bible It shall our teacher be. 2 Who would not love the Bible So beautiful and wise! Its teachings charm the simple And all point to the skies; Its stories all so mighty Of men so brave to see; Divinely-given Bible, It shall our teacher be. 3 But most we love the Bible For there we children learn How Christ took on our childhood, Our hearts to Him to turn; And how He bowed to sorrow, That we His face might see; The Bible, oh! the Bible- It shall our teacher be. 4 Then we will hold the Bible The glorious Book of God; We’ll ne’er forsake the Bible, Through all life’s future road. And when we shall be dying, Whenever that may be, The comfort of the Bible Shall still our solace be.