Great God of wonders! All Thy ways

48 1 Great God of wonders! All Thy ways Display the attribute divine; But the countless acts of pardoning grace Beyond Thine other wonders shine, Who is a pardoning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 2 Such deep transgressions to forgive! Suich guilty, daring worms to spare! This is Thy grand prerogative, And in this honour none shall Share: Who is a pardoning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 3 Pardon, from and offendend God! Pardon, for sins of deepest dye! Pardon, bestowed through Jesus’s blood!, Pardon, that brings the rebel nigh! Who is a pardoning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 4 O may this strange, this matchless grace, This God-like miracle of love, Fill the wide earth with grateful praise, As now it fills the choirs above Who is a pardoning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? Samuel Davies